Saturday, April 23, 2011

25 health facts everyone should know

1. together Malaria, Tuberculosis, & AIDS killed 5.7 million people last year
2. around 10 million children die each year
3. drug resistant Tuberculosis has been discovered in 37 countries
4. only 61% of people have access to improved sanitation
5. at least 200 million women want to use safe family planning methods but cannot
6. an estimated 25 million have died from HIV/AIDS
7. 61% of women aged 15-49 use contraception
8. 3 billion people are at risk of death from Malaria
9. life expectancy is increasing in the poorest countries
10. 16.6 million children were orphaned by AIDS in 2009
11. HIV/AIDS has a .8% prevalence rate worldwide
12. 24 million low birth weight babies are born every year
13. malnutrition prevalence in children has dropped worldwide
14. in 2000, 4.9 million people died from tobacco use
15. 2.5 million children are living with AIDS
16. better water can prevent 6.3% of deaths worldwide
17. Sierra Leone has the highest infant mortality rate - 16% die before their 1st birthday
18. in 2008, the maternal mortality radio was 260 per 100,000 live births
19. 40% of deaths are from preventable risks
20. life expectancy has risen worldwide
21. the highest life expectancy in the world is 83 years, in Japan
22. 13% of the world is undernourished
23. the adolescent fertility rate has dropped
24. the death rate is dropping slowly
25. worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980

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