Friday, July 23, 2010

Depleted Uranium

UK finally admits that both the British and American forces
used ammunition containing Depleted Uranium in Iraq.
Stating that the UK used approximately 1.9 metric tons
(which I'm sure is a conservative amount)
Combined it's reported the US & Brits used 2,000 tons of these ammunitions?
(again, I'm sure a conservative amount)
Coming days after the UK seeks a change to war crimes law
which would prevent private individuals from filing lawsuits against foreign leaders.
(no coincidence I'm sure)
More than 40 sites in Iraq contain high levels of radiation and dioxins
and there's been abnormally large cases of cancer and birth defects for the last 5 years
in those areas.
Some of the defects include missing limbs and in severe cases 2 heads.
In fallujah 24% of newborns die within the first week after birth.
Depleted Uranium contains a physical half-life of 4.468 billion years,
which means Iraqi citizens will be feeling the aftermath for eternity.
The buck does not stop there, as with all weapons of war,
the pain is felt on both sides.
As our troops have been severely affected as well.

Disturbing photos of the deformed children of Iraq - Caution!

A comprehensive report with photos

Depleted Uranium in US soldiers urine

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