Thursday, July 29, 2010

National Ocean Council

Next organization they've sharpened to penetrate more citizens wallets is
the National Ocean Council
for control of Americas oceans, coastlines and the Great Lakes.
Coastal jurisdictions will be subject to the UN's Law of Sea Treaty (LOST)
in the UN agenda 21 program.
This lines up perfectly with the CLEAR act which waits approval,
which the UN hopes will restore 50% of US's land back to wildlife,
which will most likely be sold off as our debt becoming the property of foreign entitys.

Americas oceans will be broken into 9 regions.
Executive order will surely be the means by which its set in stone.
(which is unconstitutional
as a treaty requires 2/3 approval from Senate)
John Holdren, Obama's scienc czar is set to be the co-chairman
who penned the book Ecoscience
which recommends sterilization by infertility drugs in water & food
and forced abortions.

With their absolute negligence in helping to clean up the BP oil spill,
is it wise to now give them full control over our oceans?

Current offshore lands

Endangerment Finding

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